SftTree/OCX 7.0

Syntax Get/Put/PutRef

Softel vdm, Inc.

The syntax for properties shows up to three forms (Get, Put and PutRef) if available, the first to retrieve the property value, the second and third to set the property value.

For most properties, only a Get and Put syntax is shown.  Font and picture properties also allow a third form (PutRef).  If both Put and PutRef are available, PutRef is the preferred form as it conserves resources and assigns a font or picture object reference to the control.  Any change to the font or picture object is reflected in the control also.  Put on the other hand causes the control to completely copy the font or picture object.

Some languages have special requirements to distinguish between the Put and PutRef form.  Some languages require a prefix (such as let_), others may not support one of the two forms.  If additional information is available, the following indicator is shown next to the language specific syntax:  Note.

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